
Tuesday 22 October 2013

Falling for You: We Eat All the French Food

After the quickest rehearsal ever, it was time for some delicious food! My parents were gracious enough to host the rehearsal dinner, but they asked me to find a venue that was both cozy and affordable. Ideally, I also wanted a rehearsal venue that was situated in Old Montreal and would showcase Montreal's fine French cuisine. After a lot of research. I came across Le Bourlingueur, a traditional French bistro in Old Montreal. They reserved a separate room for our party and were extremely accommodating to our budget, offering a choice of  three different entrees to our guests, as well as a soup or salad starter. The only thing was not included was alcohol, but we figured that we didn't want people to be too hung-over the next day. Besides, we were already paying for eight hours of open bar at the wedding ;).
Pork chop in a mustard sauce, one of the entrees offered to our guests
Mr. W and I said a few quick words to thank everyone for coming before sitting down to eat our delicious meals.
One thing I might have done differently would be to have passed hors d'oeuvres instead of a sit-down meal, to allow our guests to mingle and get to know each other better. At our table, we had Friend M, GM of Doom, Best Man Tequila, BM Green Eyes and her boyfriend (not pictured) and MOH Long Legs and her boyfriend.
I was still pretty livid at my brother for his tux shenanigans from earlier that day, so I sat him and his lovely girlfriend at a table with my grandfather and his wife to avoid any bloodshed.
After our delicious meal, Mr. Waterfall and I split up and did a little bit of table-hopping, since we wanted everyone to feel included.

Lil Waterfall, MIL Waterfall and Mr. Waterfall
Miss Waterfall with some wedding guests
As the night drew to a close, I kissed Mr. W goodbye, since we had agreed to spend the night apart. He would spend the night at Best Man Tequila's while I would be staying in our apartment with BM Green Eyes and her boyfriend.
Full disclosure: I had really hoped to spend my last night as a single girl having a sleep-over with my three favorite ladies. In the morning, we would all wake up and squeal in delight at the fact that I was OMG-GETTING-MARRIED before going out for brunch. However, you can't always get what you want; BM Tiny and MOH Long Legs both chose to sleep in their own beds, despite my begging them to stay with me repeatedly.

BM Tiny, Miss Waterfall, MOH Long Legs and BM Green Eyes/ photo taken by Long Legs' boyfriend.
You can totally tell a man took this photo; all of our shoes are cut off :)
We also managed to take a few group pictures, but only remembered to do so after Mr. Waterfall and the groomsmen had left.

Normal pose
"Everyone say yay!"
Speaking of groomsmen, my wonderful brother decided that he wanted to keep the good times rolling, so he recruited a few of our guests, including MOH Long Legs and her boyfriend, for an impromptu after-party at a nearby lounge. Truthfully, I was fairly annoyed because I did not want my brother and maid of honour to be hung-over wrecks the day of my wedding, but I chose to let it go and went home to rest.

BM Green Eyes and her boyfriend passed out as soon as we got home, but I was way too excited to sleep, even though it was way past midnight at this point. I decided to write my speech for the reception to pass the time, but I still couldn't fall asleep even after I finished it.

As it turns out, all it took was a few texts from my soon-to-be husband (who was also wide awake), and I was finally able to fall asleep, knowing that when I woke up, it would be my wedding day.
Yes, my biggest concern was the location of our ring pillow -- it's all about priorities!

Next up, it's finally our wedding day!

Married ladies, how did you spend your last night as a miss?
Miss a recap?

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