
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Falling for You: Girls Just Want to Have Chocolate

When we left off, I was blissfully counting waterfalls. Or should I say chasing waterfalls? (Sorry, I couldn't resist, I've been trying to work that in ever since I first got my moniker). After a great night's sleep, I woke up feeling refreshed and saw that the sun was shining despite dubious weather forecasts to the contrary in the days leading up to the wedding.

I went outside to find BM Green Eyes and her boyfriend were already up and at 'em, but hadn't wanted to wake me. Since BM Tiny and MOH Long Legs had pooped on my slumber party, I was a bit bummed that I wouldn't get to do the whole "I'm getting married" song and dance with my girls. That is, until Boyfriend Blue Eyes exclaimed, "Wait, I can be a girl!", at which point the three of us proceeded to hold hands and squeal in delight while jumping up and down... and let me tell you something: It. Was. Awesome. I will never forget the immense feeling of unadulterated joy and excitement that I felt in that moment. That is also the story of how BF Blue Eyes earned the title of honorary bridesman.
What we probably looked like/  Image via
Once everyone had regained their composure, we made our way over to my favourite spot, Cacao 70 for my bridal brunch, where we met up with MOH Long Legs, her boyfriend, and my brother's lovely girlfriend, C.

MOH Long Legs, Miss Waterfall and BM Green Eyes/ personal photo
With bridal nerves being what they are, I knew that I wouldn't really be in the mood to eat the morning of my wedding. But I also knew that we would be eating dinner quite late, and with all my health issues, it was imperative that I have a decent meal. Since chocolate is my jam (for realz!), I figured that having brunch at Cacao would maximize my chances of actually eating on the morning of my wedding.

Girlfriend C and I split a hearty spinach omelette and a scrumptious chocolate waffle, which I only picked at, because I knew I would be getting in my wedding dress soon.
Black and white waffle and spinach omelette, yum!/ personal photo
I did, however, order the most amazing hot chocolate I've ever had in my life, the "Cuba": a 70% blend, flavored with fruit and lightly spiced with a hint of bitterness and strongly marked cocoa taste without being overly aggressive. Like I said, chocolate is totally my jam!

The Cuba/ personal photo
Meanwhile, Mr. Waterfall was getting a haircut and having his own brunch with the guys only a few streets away, at our other favorite Montreal brunch spot, L'Universel -- if any of you are ever in town, you should definitely check this place out; though it can get crowded on weekends, their eggs benedict are to die for! Unfortunately, I have no pictures of this portion of the day because the boys totally forgot to take photos, despite my instructions to do so. Oh, men!

After stuffing ourselves silly eating a normal amount of chocolate, we picked up a few bottles of champagne and made our way back to my apartment to pack everything into my car because it was finally time to check into our hotel to start getting ready!

Did you eat on the morning of your wedding? Any other chocolate crazies reading this? No, just me then?

Miss a recap?

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