
Thursday 17 October 2013

Falling for You: Twenty-Four Hours to Go... I wanna be sedated!

After the wedding week from hell, I woke up on Friday morning feeling happy and relaxed. Little did I know that the feeling wouldn't last very long... Upon checking my phone, I discovered two missed calls and a voicemail from our priest. My heart sank as I pressed play:

"Hello Miss Waterfall, this is Father C over at Notre-Dame de Bonsecours Chapel. As it turns out, I double-booked your rehearsal (you know, the one you booked three whole months ago and confirmed with me at least ten times? Yeah, that one), so I need you and your bridal party to be here an hour earlier than anticipated. Please make sure everybody is on time as I have to attend the other rehearsal right after yours."

I can't even begin to tell you what I was feeling after listening to this message...panic, disbelief, anger? The normal version of myself would have lost her sh*t or had a panic attack, but there was no time for that! We decided to divide and conquer and within the hour, we had contacted everyone. After the crisis had been successfully adverted, Mr. W, BM Green Eyes and I made our way over to one of my favourite Montreal spots, Cacao 70, for brunch, and I was able to sublimate my rage with copious amounts of chocolate. Pure bliss.
Chocolate overdose!/ personal photo
Alas, that too would not last, because Brother GM decided that this would be the perfect time to make a stink about his attire and declare that he would NOT be wearing the Black by Vera Wang tux that I had so carefully picked out. No, he would wear his own suit because he thought the that tux was huge on him (i.e. it didn't look like it had been painted on). At this point, I lost it. It wasn't even about the tux --which, by the way, was totally awesome. It was about the principle! I mean, honestly, how selfish can you be? I was so upset that I eventually just handed the phone over to Mr. Waterfall and asked him to handle it. Mr. W, who never loses his cool, basically told Brother GM to grow the F up and just wear the damn tux because a) it was just one day of his life, but it was a big deal for me and b) it would make me happy and that's what family is supposed to do: make each other happy. - God please give me patience, because if you give me strength I may just beat someone to death.

After Mr. W told my brother what was up, BM Green Eyes and I headed off the airport to pick up her boyfriend. Since he wasn't picking up his phone, or waiting where he was supposed to be, Green Eyes started freaking out, assuming that something horrible had happened. Of course, he was fine, just clueless and momentarily lost.

Once we got back from the airport, it was finally time to relax! MOH Long Legs had planned a girl's mani-pedi date for me and the rest of the bridesmaids, thinking it would be a great opportunity to bond and unwind as we got our digits beautified. Unfortunately, BM Tiny had already booked her own appointment at a different salon all the way across town. BM Green Eyes had already done her own nails, but offered to tag along anyways. I'm not going to lie, I was a little disappointed that I couldn't enjoy a little TLC with my three ladies at once, but since I couldn't afford to pay for everyone's manicures, I didn't want to force anybody to participate. If any of you are planning something similar, I would strongly suggest planning ahead to ensure most of your ladies are able to attend. I would also call ahead to the salon to make sure they can accommodate your group. When we showed , they were completely full and wanted to seat us at opposite ends of the salon. After I played the bride card (#noshame!), they were much more accommodating! They miraculously found us two adjoining stations, and even pulled up a stool for BM Green Eyes to sit on.

I ended up getting French gel tips because my nails were a disaster. I  had gotten acrylics for my high school prom, and I swear, it took months for my nails to recover, so I swore never to get them again. I'm not really sure what the difference is between acrylic and gel nails, but I'm still waiting for my nails to grow back four months later. I was also toying with the idea of getting a lace manicure, but my manicurist nipped that idea in the bud, and said "NO! You get French nails!". The manicure was just what I needed, and I was able to relax, despite the fact that my manicurist kept yelling at me to "MAKE MORE INTENSE!". I still don't know what that means. Unfortunately, we forgot to take pictures, a true testament to how hectic the day was. Before we knew it, it was almost time for the rehearsal, so we each hurried back to our respective rooms to get ready. I took a long bath, washed my hair (because my stylist told me second-day hair was best) and prepared myself mentally for what lay ahead.

 Next up, our rehearsal!
Miss a recap?
- We get it started with our wedding trailer
- We had a really intense wedding week

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