
Thursday 10 January 2013

Videography: Our take on it.

Ok. Truth time. Back when we started planning, we were VERY unpleasantly surprised by photography costs. So, I thought I was being clever when I took all the money from the videography line of the budget and simply switched it over to photography. Voila! Easy-peasy! I discussed it with Mr. Waterfall and he was on board. We figured, it`s not like we`re gonna make people sit down and hold them captive for an hour and MAKE them watch our wedding video when they come over...It`s like home video etiquette, you just don`t do that. Pictures on the other hand, are much less non-committal. You simply leave your album on the coffee table and guests are free to bask in your bridal beauty browse the photos at their own leisure and pace. 

Plus, I`m a huge self-proclaimed cinephile. I mean, I live for the OSCARS. Needless to say, my cinematography expectations were ever-so-slightly on the unachievable side of things. And since Stephen Spielberg and James Cameron don't moonlight by doing wedding videos on the side, we thought it was better to do without video than pay for a super cheesy 80`s style video montage with our now non-existent video budget. Done. Case closed. Right?

Wrong. As the months went by, I started mulling over the concept, and I had doubts. I love photos like nobody`s business, but photos don`t talk. Photos can`t catch the moment when you mouth "I love you" to your fiancé at the altar. Photos don`t capture your two year-old ring bearer waddling down the aisle. I completely love and trust my photographers, and I know they`re gonna deliver some stunning stills, but there are just some things that you can`t capture in a photo like you would on film.

I came across Mrs. Giraffe`s post about why you need a videographer and just knew that we had to have one. I sent the post to Mr. Waterfall, but he still needed some convincing. On the one hand, we had already spent both our photography and videography budgets on photography alone. On the other hand, we agreed that there were certain highlights that we would absolutely want to capture on film, like our vows. But on the other hand, we certainly couldn`t afford what some companies were quoting us. So, since we were running out of hands, there was only one way to solve this conundrum

"Mr. Waterfall, get me my legal pad, it`s pros and cons time!"

And kids, we really cheered! (any excuse to use my legal pads, really)

After much consideration, we decided that, although a wedding video wasn't essential, we really wanted to try and at least have somebody film the ceremony. Something that really struck a chord in Miss Giraffe's post was the way she talked about her grandfather. I've already lost two of my grandparents, and I miss them every single day, and Mr. W recently lost his grandfather; so we know just how important it is to capture not only our living grandparents, but also our parents and other family members to have something to remember them by after they're gone.

In the end, we set aside a relatively small amount for videography and were very strict in sticking to it. One of the ways we compromised budget-wise was by agreeing to pay for less coverage as a way to cut down costs.

Are you having a videographer? Why or why not?

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