
Tuesday 3 September 2013

Sugar Pie, Honey Moon

Mr. Waterfall and I have been planning our dream honeymoon since we were just a couple of crazy 18-year old kids. We would fantasize about taking a trip around the world, visiting every city that was named after either of us. Of course, ain't nobody got time for that... vacation time, that is! Or, you know... MONEY, for that matter. But the point is, we had given our honeymoon a lot of thought.

As we got older, we started seriously considering Europe. For the longest time, my dream honeymoon destination was actually Italy. I've had a major fascination with Ancient Rome my whole life (did you know they had flushable toilets?) and actually minored in Classics in college and took Italian for over a year. I could just picture us walking hand in hand in the Piazza Navona, eating gelato, or snuggling in a Gondola in Venice while a gondolier serenated us. Delicious food and wine... gorgeous romantic sights... what more could you want for the perfect honeymoon?

Well, after giving it some serious thought, we did a complete 180 and opted for a totally relaxing, beachy honeymoon instead! Last summer, we went to an all-inclusive resort in Cuba for a week and it was just the vacation we needed. It was Mr. Waterfall's first time at the ocean, and he loved it! As much as we loved Europe, there is just so much to see and do that we would have felt guilty sleeping in and lounging instead of taking in all the sights and museums. We knew we wanted a destination that offered lots of relaxation and pampering with spectacular beaches. We also wanted to go somewhere neither of us had been before, somewhere we might not go otherwise... a one in a lifetime trip. We both love travelling, and we still plan to see the world, one vacation at a time, so we wanted our honeymoon trip to stand out from the rest. One night, we were sitting on our couch and decided to yell out our ideal honeymoon destination on the count of three: One...two...three... BORA BORA.

image via Hilton Bora Bora
After some initial research, we were super bummed out by the prices, and started looking at different alternatives. I spent a good month Googling things like "cheap Bora Bora" to no avail; I was a woman on a mission!. I had all but given up when I mentioned it to Papi Waterfall, who must have been a travel agent in a previous life. My parents are huge travellers who go away every year to a different location and my dad spends months looking for the best possible deals on air fare and hotels. He asked if I would mind him taking over my research and by this point, I was so discouraged that I was seriously glad to have it taken off my hands. A few months later, he called me in the middle of a work day to tell me he'd found an amazing deal and we had to act fast. I spent the rest of the day on the phone with Mr. W, my dad, and the travel agency, and we had our honeymoon booked that same night! I still can't believe the amazing deal Papi Waterfall found! We also set up a honeymoon registry (more on that later), which significantly helped us, and our guests were thrilled to send us on our dream honeymoon.

We booked 2 nights at the Intercontinental in Moorea, followed by 5 nights in our very own overwater bungalow in Bora Bora and it was seriously amazing! I cannot wait to tell you guys all about it.
Waterfalls in Bora Bora/ personal photo
Where are you honeymooning?

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