
Thursday, 15 August 2013

Basket Case

Last week, I told you about my emergency kit, and today I'm here to tell you about our bathroom baskets!

The first time I saw a bathroom basket was at our friends' wedding, the day Mr. W proposed, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever! I really appreciated as a guest, so I knew that when my time came, I would like to assemble some bathroom baskets for my guests. I also knew that we couldn't really afford to do OOT bags because we had so many out-of-town guests, so offering a few basic things was the least we could do for everyone to pamper them a little.

So, if you recall, this is what my stockpile looked like, for two baskets and my emergency kit.

I mostly hit up pharmacies for the goodies, and bought the woven baskets along with two frames and a few extra things from the Dollar Store. Bathroom baskets are not really common in Cuban weddings, and Cubans really love free stuff so I wanted to make sure people didn't raid the baskets within minutes, thinking it was a free-for-all. After some Googling, I found this cute poem online, printed out in a pretty font and stuck it inside a frame for each bathroom. Sorry, I forgot to take a picture.

So happy you’re here to share in our special day!
But should something happen to go astray,
Please help yourself to the contents within,
Hair spray (or Wet wipe), lotion, gum and even aspirin,
Use only what you need and leave the rest,
It may be useful to another guest.
So repair the damage that may have been done,
Then hurry on back and join the fun!
Compliments of the Newlyweds

In the Men's Basket, I included:
  • Tissues/ Q-tips/ Nail clippers
  • Band-Aids
  • Mouthwash/ Floss/ Gum
  • Oops stain remover/ Lint roller
  • Advil/ Alka- Seltzer/ Fisherman's Friend
  • Combs
  • Axe Body Spray
  • Purell
  • Crazy Glue

 The Women's Basket was much larger, because let's face it, we need more stuff ;), it included:
  • Tissues/ Baby wipes/ Makeup removing wipes/ Q-tips
  • Pads/ Tampons/ Panty Liners/ Intimate wipes
  • Hair Spray/ Brushes/ Combs/ Bobby Pins/ Hair elastics
  • Band-Aids
  • Mouthwash/ Floss/ Gum
  • Oops stain remover/ Lint roller/ Safety Pins
  • Advil/ Alka- Seltzer/ Fisherman's Friend
  • Spray deodorant (nobody wants to share a stick with 50 other sweaty people, am I right?)
  • Purell
  • Nail Clippers/ Nail file/ Tiny scissors
  • Crazy Glue
  • Lotion

A word of advice about the baskets: Travel sized things can actually cost as much (or even more) as a normal size container of the same product. While I strongly recommend using travel sizes for the emergency kit, it's not as important for the bathroom baskets, and might save you some money.

Also, this may seem obvious, but don't put anything in the baskets that you would mind not getting back, like a bottle of your favorite perfume. Assume that anything in the basket is fair game, and don't be surprised if guests take a lot of stuff home with them at the end of the night. I know our guests took home entire bottles of Advil before cocktail hour was even done and somebody took home the Axe Body Spray and baby wipes, despite the little note saying "please don't bogart the basket contents". This is especially true if you share the venue with another event, or if the bathrooms are public.

Also, if you're assembling your baskets ahead of time, I strongly suggest wrapping them in saran wrap to prevent dust and dirt getting in there, and to prevent things falling out during transport.

So there you have it folks! Anybody else doing bathroom baskets and an emergency kit? Whatstuff did you include?
*All photos personal 

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