
Saturday, 24 November 2012


Bees, I'll let you in on a little secret. I absolutely love crafting! In fact, I'm pretty sure I was Martha Stewart's love child in a previous life. 

Since my line of work is highly intellectual, I need that release. I just love working with my hands and creating something from scratch after a long day of just thinking about stuff. And, Mr. Waterfall is happy to oblige while he's off slaying dragons in Skyrim, or whatever.

I consider myself a pretty crafty person. It should come as no surprise then, that I''ve been able to DIY many elements for the wedding.
However, beware of sites like Pinterest offering seemingly super easy DIY projects! Here are some things to consider before you buy out your local Michaels:

1. DIY'ing is not always cheaper!!! Seriously, compare before you commit to a project and figure out exactly how much you'll actually be saving, chances are, it's not as much as you think. It might not seem like you're spending a lot, but little purchases add up, and you won’t even notice. (Don't forget to factor in the cost of any tools required for the project that you don't already have on hand, especially if you don't plan on using it again after this project).

2. Time is money. I'll admit, it's hard to shake years of being trained to think in terms of billable hours, but this saying is sooo true! Think about everything that you already have on your to-do list, do you really want to tack on the extra work? Save your sanity! After an entire night spent wrestling with your glue gun screaming things like “Why won’t it go?!?!” and "Damn you Martha Stewart, damn you to hell!!!!", you’re gonna wish you bit the big one and just paid to have a professional handle it. Pick your battles.

3. This brings me to my next point: Know your limits! It’s ok to get the occasional worried look and a couple of are you sure’s from concerned family and friends who don’t know that you’re actually a DIY ninja. However, if you haven’t sewed since the 8th grade , maybe DON’T try to sew your own wedding dress…

4. Always have a backup! (And make sure to back-up your backup). It might just happen that despite your best intentions, something won’t get done in time, or simply end up looking like a 5-year old made it. You’ll be so relieved knowing you have a plan B that doesn’t involve blood, sweat, and/or tears. 

You're still thinking of going ahead with that DIY project anyway aren't ya?

Here's why:

1. DIY is awesome. It might not always be the cheaper option, but sometimes it actually is! Plus, it's fun. And, DIY allows a level of customization that you just can't find in mass production. Want it just so? Make it just so! Imagine how proud you’ll feel when people compliment your creation and you get to say "I made that!”

2. Fake it till you make it. Don't know how to go about something? Google that sh**t! . I'm serious, there are so many tutorials out there!  Chances are, somebody else has already tried (and failed). Learn from their mistakes, and don't be afraid to tweak things here and there to better suit your needs. 

3. Exploit your minions! 

via Nickelodeon

I mean, rely on your wonderful friends and family, of course... Want to DIY something that you're not particularly skilled at, say... An awesome wedding invitation suite? That's ok! Just borrow the talents of your amazingly talented, graphic designer MOH instead!. After all, Santa doesn't build the toys, that's what the elves are for ;)

4. Etsy. ‘nuff said.

Do you have any other DIY tips?

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